I’m Back. Again. I Think

Every few days for the past six months, I have updated the index cards that I use for drafting blog posts. All with the intent of writing and publishing a new blog post.

Then, as has happened every time before, life and other things get in the way.

And, before I know it, it is a week later and I am doing the same thing all over again.

I was like my own little blog related Ground Hog Day.

Though not today.

Today, things will be different.

Instead of sitting down planning out a week’s blog posts, I am starting from scratch and doing one day at a time.

Starting today.

What does that mean?

To be perfectly honest here, I have no idea.

I may be able to get into a habit of writing a post the night before to go live the next day.

Or, I may have to wing it, and write one first thing in the morning.

All I know is, I have missed being able to write blog posts, and see them published on the blog.

Anyway, all that aside, I thinking of changing the format of this blog.

In the past I have been using it as a sort of micro-blog, where I would publish short posts on things.

I will keep that going, though not for every day.

Future posts will be long waffles like this one, short micro-blog posts, rants, and thoughts of things in general.

After all, what’s the point in having a blog, if you aren’t going to use it?

That’s about it for this one.

Fingers crossed there will be another one tomorrow too.

Photo by Joseph Redfield from Pexels

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