Or is it that we no longer think things are worth our time?
For example, we are told that Australia’s industrial relations laws are confusing.
Though, if we took the time to understand them, they aren’t.
We are told that politics is confusing and boring.
Though, if we took the time to understand it, we would see that it isn’t.
Yet, Ikea furniture and Lego assembly instructions, which are most definitely confusing are able to be understood by most. (Not all, search “Ikea fail” to see what happens when you don’t follow the instructions).
The difference between them all is the level of “need” attached to them.
We force ourselves to understand Ikea instructions because if we don’t we will be sleeping on the floor, or not have a chair to sit on.
We force ourselves to understand Lego instructions because failing to do so would mean that we run the risk of upsetting one of our children.
Maybe we do need more of an incentive to understand things…